This one is for Sindhu - All the best for your interview today :)
I believe that God will help those who help themselves
I believe if you got faith, mountains can be moved by elves
I believe when a door closes, it means that path is not for you
I believe the best in life is yet to come, we have a lot to look forward to
I believe in you, and I know that you will give your best
That is all we can do, and we will trust Him to do the rest
I believe your strengths will show, only during testing time
We will get our shot, once again, for losing a battle is not a crime
So my dear friend, do not break down, at failure please
Glory is not in never falling, but rising every time, with ease
I believe that if we work hard, the throne will one day, be our seat
The moon can be our chariot, but first we have to stand on our own feet
Such a time has come for you, now, a test of skill and patience too
This is your shot, my friend, give it your best, like you always do!
No matter if you win or lose, to some you already are the best
Some things in life, you just can't lose, That's what matters, not the rest
Destination is important, but it’s also important you enjoy the ride
Call me after your journey, I’m waiting for you, with a lot of pride.